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Total Consecration to Mary is a beautiful exercise to increase your spirituality and ability to truly serve our Lord Jesus Christ. The basic premise set forth by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort is simply that Jesus came into the world through Mary, and in order to grow closer to Jesus, closer than ever before, we should go through Mary. Certainly, at this time of great challenge for our Church, we all need to grow closer to Our Lord and Savior.


Initially, this idea may seem strange to some. Why consecration? And why consecration through Mary? What does that even mean? Consecration means to set aside for a sacred purpose. Mary’s life was set aside for the sole purpose of serving Our Lord. By following her example, we can also completely give ourselves to Christ in a fundamental way that consecrates us to Him. We give our lives to Him in service and love.

We consecrate ourselves in order to be more devoted to the Lord and His Blessed Mother. It helps us grow in holiness and increase our faith, hope and love. It is a prayerful and focused method of drawing closer to Jesus than ever before.


Our Blessed Mother wants nothing more than to lead us to Jesus and teach us how to love her Son. You can prepare for St. Elizabeth’s consecration by either gathering with us on four Saturday’s for a talk and a time of prayer and encouragement, or from the comfort of your own home, with the resources we provide to you.

• Dates: 5/4, 5/18, 6/1, 6/8
• Time: 10am-10:45am
• Consecration Vows: Feast of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary – 6/8, 2pm –3pm

For more information and registration (no fee), contact The Office and-or Jamie Tinney 469-265-3351/ Registration: April 20-May 3 

During the 33 days preparatory exercise, one day for each year our Lord spent on earth with Mary, you will spend time in self-study each day learning, praying, and meditating on the wonderful effects of this devotion.


Why Consecrate? [Video Testimony]


33 Days Preparation Material coming soon!        


St. Elizabeth is located in the small North Texas Community of Bonham, in Fannin  County, not far south of the Red River, separating Texas and Oklahoma. St. Elizabeth is part of the Diocese of Dallas.

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